What You Can Do About Bad Breath
Now please don't say that you don't have bad breath, if you are reading this article I am dead sure that you have bad breadth. Naah! You need not to worry,i am not going to tell anyone and anyways
Bad Breath
You're not alone. A very high percentage of Indians suffer from bad breath, or halitosis. Bad breath can get in the way of your social life. It can make you self-conscious and embarrassed, but before we find out how to stop it we need to know what actually causes bad breadth, it can be either dental problem, indigestion or some other medical problem but whatever it is. it is causing you harm socially as well as physically too.
1. Dental problem
Your bad breadth may be an indication that you have an underlying dental disease.It can be a cavity
where food gets stuck or some dental infection. ( I seriously don't know how someone can sleep with so much food decaying in cavities like that!) In that case you need to consult Dentist for complete oral examination and treatment.( Click the link to book appointment)
Dental problem |
2. Indigestion
Eat light and sleep tight
Changing eating habits now a days is the most common cause of Indigestion. Eating dinner late night, high protein diets (meat, milk and other animal products) which are relatively difficult to digest. I always say
Changing eating habits now a days is the most common cause of Indigestion. Eating dinner late night, high protein diets (meat, milk and other animal products) which are relatively difficult to digest. I always say
Remedy :
1. Eat light dinner at night.
2. Eat dinner as early as possible
3 Take walk after dinner.
Bad breath may indicate other medical problems that you might be suffering Like type 2 diabetes, sinus problem or you may be taking some kind of medication.
Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to freshen your breath.
1. Brush and floss more frequently.
One of the prime causes of bad breath is plaque, the sticky build-up on teeth that harbors bacteria. Food left between teeth adds to the problem. All of us should brush at least twice a day and floss daily. If you're worried about your breath, brush and floss a little more often. But don't overdo it. Brushing too aggressively can erode enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to decay.
Learn to Brush and Floss: Click the link2. Scrape your tongue.
The coating that normally forms on the tongue can harbor foul-smelling bacteria. To eliminate them, gently brush your tongue with your toothbrush. Some people find that toothbrushes are too big to comfortably reach the back of the tongue. In that case, try a tongue scraper.
3. Avoid foods that sour your breath.
Onions and garlic are the prime offenders. "Unfortunately, brushing after you eat onions or garlic doesn't help,""The volatile substances they contain make their way into your blood stream and travel to your lungs, where you breathe them out." The only way to avoid the problem is to avoid eating onions and garlic, especially before social or work occasions when you're concerned about your breath.
and then there are foods that remove bad breath too.
and then there are foods that remove bad breath too.
4. Kick the habit.
Bad breath is just one of many reasons not to smoke. Smoking damages gum tissue and stains teeth. It also increases your risk of oral cancer. Over-the-counter nicotine patches can help tame the urge to smoke. If you need a little help, make an appointment at Grace dental clinic about prescription medications or smoking cessation programs that can help you give up tobacco for good.
5. Rinse your mouth out.
In addition to freshening your breath, anti-bacterial mouthwashes add extra
protection by reducing plaque-causing bacteria. After eating, swishing your mouth with plain water also helps freshen your breath by eliminating food particles.
protection by reducing plaque-causing bacteria. After eating, swishing your mouth with plain water also helps freshen your breath by eliminating food particles.
6. Skip after-dinner mints and chew gum instead.
Sugary candies promote the growth of bacteria in your mouth and add to bad breath problems. Instead, chew sugarless gum. "Gum stimulates saliva, which is the mouth’s natural defense mechanism against plaque acids which cause tooth decay and bad breath,"
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Grace Dental Clinic, Resi. cum clinic,
H.No 1298 Sector 31, Opp. Ajanta public School , Gurgaon +91124- 4832254, 9953076985
Grace Dental Clinic, Orthodontic and Implant center
Shop. no 167 Sector 4 Market, Behind ICICI Bank, Gurgaon
M +91-9953076985,
H.No 1298 Sector 31, Opp. Ajanta public School , Gurgaon +91124- 4832254, 9953076985
Grace Dental Clinic, Orthodontic and Implant center
Shop. no 167 Sector 4 Market, Behind ICICI Bank, Gurgaon
M +91-9953076985,